– 7 – BLOCK DIVISION, INC. WORKLOAD/STRESSFORMULA/LOADCALCULATION.Block Division, Inc., has established through an accredited testing laboratory the capacity at which our products may be safely used. This may be defined as the safe working load limit, or cable rope pulley block load calculation, or a force calculator. The safe working load limit (mechanical advantage) is the maximum load in pounds which should ever be applied, and when the load is applied uniformly and in direct tension to a straight segment of wire rope. By changing the degree of angle between lead and load angle, this also affects the stress on the block. The stress on the eye may be decreased by increasing the angle between the load and the lead angle. See chart and illustration below. Stress Formula: L x A = S Sample : By using a 500 lb weight the stress exerted on the eye would be 1,000 lbs. 500 lbs x 2.0 = 1,000 lbs Load in pounds (L) multiplied by the Angle of pull (A) equals the stress generated in lbs. on the Block (S). Safe Work Load Limit: This is the maximum load (in lbs.) which can be applied to the Block and which has been established by Block Division, INC. (Load Capacity) 160˚ 130 lbs 5 0 0 lb s 90˚ 705 lbs 5 0 0 l b s 30˚ 965 lbs 500 lbs 0˚ 1,000 lbs 500 lbs ANGLE FACTOR 0° 2.00 10° 1.98 20° 1.97 30° 1.93 40° 1.87 50° 1.81 60° 1.73 70° 1.64 80° 1.53 90° 1.41 ANGLE FACTOR 100° 1.29 110° 1.15 120° 1.00 130° 0.84 140° 0.68 150° 0.52 160° 0.35 170° 0.17 180° 0.00